Creative, Crafty, and a Little Crazy

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Are Kids Digital Natives?


This claim has come up many times in the past few years in regards to today’s kids catching on quickly to technology. They grew up with it, so it comes naturally. …or does it?

I came across a video on Instagram from Mike Holston @therealtarzann with one of his friends, Sugriva (who is a chimp!), looking at Instagram. Well, he wasn’t just looking at it, he was USING it! He was watching specific videos, scrolling the feed, going back and forth, and reacting to what he was seeing! It was incredible! See the video and post here:

Umm, crazy, right?!

So that got me thinking again about these “kids as digital natives” thing. I think they are not digital natives, but they’re more apt to take risks from observation, just like Sugriva. They’re constantly watching adults using technology and they mimic our use of tech, so they are more likely to dive right in when given the opportunity. 

Others are also questioning and fracturing this idea further. This article from and seem to throw the idea out since it infers that all kids are familiar with all things tech and digital. Instead, it suggests that kids are fluent in social media, but have a rocky understanding of how Google works.

Finally, this article by  from breaks up the term “digital native” into three subgroups, the “orphans,” the “exiles,” and the “heirs.” This seems more accurate and obvious when talking about pretty much anything. You have those who have limited access (orphans), those that have access, but little guidance (exiles), and those that have access and training (heirs). 

What are your thoughts on kids as digital natives?


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